March 12, 2025
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Win-win Approach

Since we are paid by the employer, some would say that our loyalty should be to the employer.  However, at Belcher & Associates, we choose the higher, less-traveled road.

We hold firm to and act on the belief that we best serve the interests of the employer by simultaneously serving the interests of both employer and candidate for employment.

Our sincere desire is that your next job is a better opportunity and for many reasons, and continues to be a mutually good fit for at least three years.  It takes a bit more work, but finding the “win-win” is what we do best.  It’s a core value and foundation of our business.

Belcher & Associates is recognized for our process of Integrity-Driven Recruiting.  We are trusted and seek to continue to earn the trust of employers and employment candidates. 

In fact, we find that this “win-win” approach has propelled the growth of Belcher & Associates.  It generates repeat business, and repeat business is smart business.  Examples are as follows:

A. )  Referrals and testimonials to professionals, your associates and/or friends, who like you, appreciate a relationship with an integrity-driven recruiter.

B.)   A professional who we place in a better job today, soon becomes a hiring manager with the same employer.  The hiring manager knows and respects our recruiting process, and contacts us with job orders. 

C.)   Additional / multiple job orders from the same employers and hiring managers who are pleased with our consistent approach to finding and presenting top talent specific to the short and long-term needs unique to each job and employer.   

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